Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Concept E-3 Membership


All you do is Say Hey I would like to be a member of
 Concept E-3   
Then you leave your contact information

Go to


An active member is a person or business that wants to help clean up our planet.  If you see problems send a picture and say where. Little problems just pick up the mess and always send a before and after picture.  Bigger problems that require better organization and more people, like the streets of Philadelphia, or any of the many unlicensed dump sites in America require more hands on attention.  

You become Concept E-3's 
eyes and ears.  
Concept E-3..."Nature Restored".

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Is this the end of the world?  I should hope not.  In my earlier Biblical studies (I confess I actually read this book called "The Holy Bible".)  (looking for books of the Apocrypha TOO!)  I ran into these scriptures about Angels blowing horns.  I thought okay they low horns.  Something has happened though.  On a global scale in cities, villages, and countrysides with lots of open spaces, People around the world have been hearing a lot of big sounds.  I am talking what sounds like gregorian chanting in new your, pounding near Manhattan Island, big Shofer sounds too. The Shofer is very long horn from a gazelle.  The sound it makes is the trumpeting sound that is what might have been referred too in the Old and New Testament.

What is happening these sounds started in 2011 and many more in 2012.  Now this year is 2013 and we are on our way to 2014.
Now today on the Christian calender it is December 10, 2013.  But by the jewish reckoning today is 8 Tveit, 5774
Now that year 5774 is 5774 years from the creation of Adam.  To me this is an important bit of data.
Today in 5774 More experiences of catastrophic weather and other events even big sounds are on the way.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Illuminati and reptilian thoughts

I have been seeing a lot of Illuminati conspiracy and reptilian videos.  I thought I would share some thoughts.
Who is Illuminati?  I am getting it.  One of GOD's more popular servants gets a lot of credit for lots of things.  I am referencing Isaiah 14:12.  "Son of The Morning" also known as Lucifer as well as Morning Star and a few other holy names.  I get it Lucifer was cast or in my opinion,sent to Earth via literally falling from divinity .  Lucifer has been demonized or rather I should say there is another aspect.  Shatan and the Devil have some affiliation.   I can confidently say Lucifer, Morningstar has filled a lot of church pews.

So I get it that He is also the angel of illumination. Lets pick on the " Satan Aspect" Or as I say Shatan, the deceiver.
Here is what I also see lets go to 2 corinthians verse 14 and 15.  Here Paul is saying to the Corinthian Church, That Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. (here is the Shatan-Lucifer connection). So it is no great thing for his ministers to be transformed too. 

Illumination can also mean enlightenment.  So This "Illuminati group has a lot to do with technology and influence.  So no conspiracy here there has always been thos that enjoy great power and influence.  As well as the "PLEASURE of INFLUENCING us SMALL PEOPLE."

Now I want to have fun. I have watched a lot of these videos where people look different in some frames than another.  What I really like though is that you can become a reptilian through some type of blood sacrifice or you invite this presence into your life.   And some way a transformation occurs at the level of our DNA.  This brings me too another reference. 

Revelations chapter 12.  Here  again we have a reference to not "Lucifer, Son of The Morning" but again Shatan and Devil here our two naughtiest entities are also referred to a "Great Red Dragon"  who agin is referenced as that old serpent  called the Devil and Shatan.  

So I guess the 'reptilian serpent' of the Garden in Eden has now become a bigger reptilian 'dragon'.
So where does this increase in stature come from, 1,2,3,4,5 ...times up that would be us.  You and I kiddies members of the Human Race who where given dominion over this great Earth of (not ours) of GOD's.  

So this Illuminati stuff and reptilian stuff is not conspirational theory,  more like our present reality.
That it for now kiddies a better story than any "Grimm's Fairytale".  Visit  For a post on raptureand tribulation.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Algae blooms and fish kills.

As an environmentalist I tend to pay attention to a lot of things.  This is about algae blooms and fish kills.
Here I am going to offer some troubleshooting help.

I am thinking of Rio De Janeiro Brazil as well as smaller fish kills such as the couple in 2012.

Any large body of water that has a marine ecology is subject to these things.  What happens is a lot of debris ends up in these bodies of surface water.  Anything in water that tends to break down  does so by having various microbes, protozoans, zoo plankton, etc. that break down matter become active.  Oxygen is required to break down most matters,  There is a lot of anaerobic digestion going on in things like human sewage treatment plants and even pig levy's.  In lakes, rivers, oceans aerobic digestion occurs first.  The problem is that the largest supply is dissolved oxygen already present in water.  The same oxygen used by marine life.  When a lot of matter starts to break down it creates HUGE OXYGEN DEMAND.  This frequently ends up in fish kills.

In a marine environment too a lot of partially digested material sinks.  (carbon sink) and when a storm pops up all of this material is stirred up.  Now nature again has to work on digesting all of this matter.  Some is plant based, animal based, and litter man has carelessly discarded giving no thought about the effects.  MILLIONS OF INDIVIDUALS EVERYDAY.

Prevention is always the best policy.  The biggest thing man can do is put screens on all of the storm water inlets that drain to open bodies of water.  If these screens are cleaned frequently then they work very well keeping stuff like tree limbs out of the waters.  Also mesh type cages can be place at storm water outlets that drain into surface waters and catch a lot of stuff that made it through the wider openings on the inlets.  Thes capture things such as plastic bottles and other such debris and again they have to be serviced to work well.

Municipalities that are on coastal area and that have harbors can help oxygenate their community waters by installing high shooting fountains,  Shooting streams of water at least 20-30 feet give this water a chance to capture more oxygen which is the engine that drives much 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Boston Psychics

There are 100's of psychics in Boston, Mass.  Where were they before and after the Boston Marathon Bombing.   Did homeland Security scoff at the 'PSYCHICS' and blow off their willingness to help.

If I was a Boston Psychic I would have lost sleep over this dismal lack of participation from the "Psychic Community.  In Boston Mass.  Here is my psychic take.
1) Explosive were supplied by a disenchanted former member of IRA or current member of the PLA.

2) The security for Boston Marathon did not include checking for bombs and accelerators. If so dogs would have found the explosives.

3) The boys in thier back packs were smoke and mirrors. The actual explosives were planted before they showed up.

4) The person who set off the explosives was having his or her  beer in a pub watching the race on TV.

5) Using their cell phone they placed a phone call. Explosives were remotely detonated.

I heard nothing about any Boston Psychics saying anything.  I heard nothing that should have been considered such as what I mentioned.  Seriously the timing would have been off any other way.

This has bothered me for some time now because that was just a wrong thing to do.

I made attempts to contact 'Homeland Security' it just did not happen.


Saturday, September 28, 2013

WWIII and What If?

Shew, our planet is getting smaller.  Natural Gas, Our Environment, Foreign Oil Imports...
Syria, Turkey, Russia, North Korea, China, Kenya, The Boston Marathon.
Where is our world going?
What if China was refining nuclear wast to make Nukes and doing this in North Korea.  We wouldn't know.  Build an underground tunnel network and harden against nuclear attack, satellite won't see anything.

What if Mongolia the Northern most part of China had Political Relationships with The Southern most portion of Russia?

What if Russia occupied 1/6ths of the worlds total land mass and climate just keeps heating up.  My question is why is is it that China isn't gobbling up the mostly uninhabited land in Russia.  They are allies.

Here is a concern.  Russia practically touches Alaska. Did former President Clinton gave Russia permission to get  oil from Alaska?  I think so since we originally acquired Alaska from Russia.  I hope that the USA has a cold weather military installation in Alaska   What separates Alaska from the Easternmost part of Russia is "THE BERING STRAIGHT"

Everybody knows that USA's East Coast has good naval protection, what about California's Pacific Ocean side.  Our world is a sphere.  I like to call Earth a 'Big Blue Marble".  So it is important to our National Defense that we have good relationships with South America and Mexico.

Mexico, why isn't Mexico a commonwealth of the United States. For that matter Quatamala, Nicaragua, and and Honduras much like the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico?

They still govern themselves but we don't build fences to keep their citizens away.  Like we do in Mexico, I suspect this has everything to do with the Mexican Government.  Everything can be had for a price.

The case for hemp

Senate , House of  Representatives, Obama administration  legalize Marijuana, hemp, MaryJane.
The reason is its is a decent buzz without a crash, though it has to be treated with the same respect as alcohol.  Not while driving and not at work.  Butt there is more.

Hemp has numerous medicinal and industrial use's.  Can harvest 3 times a year, make chlorine free paper, lowers blood pressure, relaxes you, can be used to make clothin, purses, can be eaten as well.  aThe oils can be used for bio-fuel feed stocks.  

Marijauna is good, better, and best for recreation, industrial usage, medicinal usage.  Of course this means releasing at least 20 % of everybody in jail.  As far as the person currently selling 'pot', would best be served by applying for their wholesalers license even now otherwise Walgreens and CVS will do all of the business.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Running for Texas, Land Commissioner

Since I seem to not have many social or environmental activist objectives for Texarkana, TX and AK
I think throwing my hat in the ring to become the next Texas Land Commissioner is a good move. 
Strategically as the Land Commissioner I will have lots intelligent people working for me.  This is a good thing.  My 20 year vision is to restore all of Texas's lost lakes and to get people involved in a huge way to hel Texas capture more much needed surface waters and to reclaim all of Texas's polluted waterways.  I believe Nature is willing to help if we humans are willing to work with nature.  This would be like totally awesome greater access to more and plentiful surface waters for recreational usage. I just might help many Texans acquire a more abundant life.   
At the very least I'll get my name out there in public domain as well as Concept E-3 (registered).

If a Bush family member has $52,000,000 to spend campaigning for this same job that pays, maybe $155,000 a year, I have to ask why?  I understand mega-millions being spent on a presidential election.

Which unfortunately is not a popularity race, rather it is up to "The Electoral College", not "The People"
who wins the presidential election.

Personally "The Electoral College"should be abolished and the candidate with the MOST PUBLIC VOTES should win.  Today we can clock real time votes for candidates in real time.  That is what all of those electronic voting booths do.  They tabulate votes for candidates.  I think the "Electoral College" is no longer needed.
For more of my political and other views pleas visit

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What if ?

What if we quit playing partisan politics?  What if All congressmen and Senators both at the State and Federal level were paid minimum wage for a couple of terms, This would like students in medical school being patients.  A taste of reality, a dose of humility, and an honest view of what Joe and Susan American have to live thru, oh yes instead of federal and state representatives taking federal and state cars to work they were to ride public transit.  Let them keep their nice homes during session at public expense.  this is since every minimal wage worker and SSI, SSDI, SS recipent has felt the PAIN OF RENTS TOO HIGH FOR WHAT THEY GET!  Things would change.  If our representative would quit being so SELF SERVING, maybe things would work out for the better for democratic, theocratic, aristocratic societies  everywhere.

Things would change for the better.  What if humanity everywhere were to live for each other rather than just themselves as "numbero uno."  Then we as the human race would work together to keep our populations in check and to better manage what  resources the Earth and her Children offer us.  This would not take an "Act of GOD."  No it would take a planetary agreement, oh sure we still have to have our wars and our difficult times, but we could put away the NUKES, CHEMICAL and BIOLOGICAL weapons and just stick to guns and knives.  Do too the newly enlightened political caste more problems would be rectified.

Who knows maybe humanity would restore our planet and make progress towards the stars.  I even have a logo for the then newly minted Spacers Federation International. It would be the same symbol as the one in Philadelphia, PA  USA dedicated to Copernicus on Race Street near Benjamin Franklin BLVD.

Then truly the Earth, no the Univers would be Humanity's to explore.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Steve's Accessibility "PLUS"

This is my second foray into the role of carpenter.  My skill is building wheelchair and walk ramps as well as
doing other modifications to existing structures that allow for 'ease' of access.  For physically challenged individuals as well as aging adults.  It is not for the money since "Handyman Steve's Accessibility "PLUS"
my former venture in Wichita, Kansas did not turn a profit.

This whole ADA thing needs people with my skills to provide this needed and valued service.  My most recent project is the one I am completing for my father.  In Nash, Texas. This is a ramp with a 12 inch drop that has a 29" high handrail.  At this height you can walk up the ramp or use a wheelchair.

I call this model a "poor mans special".  It cost less than a standard wooden ramp does but it is more about functionality rather than good looks.  (It does look pretty good)

What got me into this type of carpentry is that I had been married some 15 years to an attractive woman who relies on  a wheelchair for mobility.  I see a need and "Steve's Accessibility "PLUS" is my business name.

If you have read "Villages Housing Group", then you may also know that I am a "green builder" as well.
Texas called me back, so here I am planning to stay.  For all of the "Social Initiatives" I have written about in this blog will still go on.  Now as Concept E-3 grows and I trust prospers, I will take on a leadership position where I get replaced by all of Concept E-3's hands on captains.  This is as it should be since Concept E-3 is meant to be a global movement working with multitudes to find that "Point of Balance"
that exist somewhere in our lexicon that speaks of WE as opposed to ME.  Lets continue to march onward.

Earth is moaning in travail waiting in expectation for the "Sons of God" to manifest themselves (this include "Daughters of God" as well.  For together men and women are become as unto ADAM

.  Globally more people than ever before are working to make a positive impact.  Gifted children are becoming very wealthy gifted adults who work everyday pursuing noble agendas such as feeding hungry masses.  There is plenty of food but distribution is only made to those who can "PAY" for their groceries.  This is absurd.  Paradigms are shifting and polarity is becoming more strongly announced.

"Polarity" will be a good entry for this blog.  What Concept E-3 needs is followers and people who spread this blog address.  A lot is being done.  Yet there is a lot more to do.  Concept E-3 has never been about ME.  Concept E-3 is about WE.  Till next time...Steve

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

LNG the fight continues...

Hello my fellow humans.  If you live in the US of A then you know that we have lots of natural gas. Fracking is a big part of this (see what the frac...).  The Obama administration and everybody else is paying attention to this.  I have recently learned that the USA has produced not "Billions" but "Trillions" of cubic feet of Natural gas.  Which I know is best transported as LNG or liquid Natural Gas (look at CNG as a fuel).

Many 'corporations want to export massive quantities' of LNG.  This is understandable due to our huge  "trade deficit"  This alone is worthy of a Concept E-3 blog entry.  I will get to this. The ongoing concern is our nations USA's energy security.  Currently we still import massive amounts of oil from countries who support the TERRORIST WE FIGHT.  What is to be done.  Lets build the infrastructure to support using natural gas as a transportation fuel.  All I need is $150,000,000 to make a big difference. Seriously I have done the homework and this is a justifiable investment to build an initial network of CNG stations and conversion centers. A system that is self replicating and potentially profitable.  A system that saves Americans money and provides convenience.  Visit my Linked In profile at SLChilds.

I am here in Texas now and yes like Baltimore and Philadelphia there is a lot of work to be done.

Back to the discussion at hand.  Natural gas is a bridge fuel to the 'hydrogen age'.  More importantly whether I myself or Concept E-3 and any other "Environmental Group" complains, ''fracking" is only going to intensify.

This is since money is being made, so lets make it possible to use CNG nationwide as a transportation fuel.  Concept E-3's sister is Renewable Energy Solutions.  Other people use this name but Concept E-3 was first
to have the web site renewable energy solutions .com in 2009 in Kansas.

call me at 443-750-5263 if you want to meet in person and discuss this as well as other pertinent matters for America's energy and even fresh water security.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

service provided by trees

Here is some math if you cut down trees and sell the lumber they are worth 100's of dollars for material.  The service trees provide are easily 100's of times more valuable. I am currently in Texas.  Now what Texas needs is more water.  Theoretically if you plant a forest from East to West then you allow trees to perform the valuable service of moving water East to West.  I'm further thinking that this can become a hardwood industry in the future.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Let's play science

...Now where did I put that warp drive engine.   ooops I think I lost my energy source. 
"Hey Jessie didn't someone say there is free energy everywhere."  "Oh so I don't need a big fuel tank just a collector and transmitter.  That might work.  Okay Charles here we have this leading edge on our spacecraft fuselage.  As we use this set up  Trailing edge  fuselage   leading edge.  It is not really hard.  The front of our ship is a negative charge and the back is a positive charge.  We are in space and like our trailing end is attracted to our leading end and pushes us along like an ion drive initially.   As our speed increase we start to collect more energy.  Okay.  Charles how do we make this happen."
" I think Jesse the most important element is the materials that make up the hull of our ship.  Drives are important.  If all of space is a vacumn, What are we?"
"Think of our ship as a huge cathode ray tube and a diode to. As we send rotational energy toward the front of our ship it sort of pushes us along.  As our speed increase then our polarity undergoes a shift since now we are collecting energy in front of us and using it to push us relatively faster  yes like surfing.''

"Okay so Charles what we are doing now is creating a greater 'potential' either pulling us or pushing us or maybe EAGLE LAB gets their warp potential.  The energy potential is free.  As our realative speed increase then the potentials become more exaggerated.  This is when we start to really move."

"So Jesse let me get this straight.  Initially our ship has some energy available.  The hull is made of materials thatr react o the ever present radiations in space.  We start to collect 'potential' between our relative leading and trailing edges.  As this happens we start to skip through space.  As our relative speed starts to increase we have a greater desparity of potential.  Then using this 'energy' we can now start to pull together our 'warp bubble'.  Here is where our enrgy field comes into play". 

This is what your saying, right?"

Yep.  Now lets move on to the engineering.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Project Philadelphia

First there is the ongoing "Baltimore Project".  Now I bring to you love (drum roll please) in the form of  "Cash forTrash"  Philly style.  I have spoken with many people in Baltimore and most recently here in PHiladelphia.  The Cash for Trash social economic imperative is a good model for a national roll out.  What I am out to do is get some legalities finalized then I can start actively engaging the greater PHiladelphia community.  I want you to work with me and Concept E-3 (R) to take back our streets.  I know there are some other groups doing a lot in and around PHiladelphia, Pennsylvania but what can I say.  When it come to environmental clean-up and RESTORATION, I have a real passion.

I came to Philadelphia in January 2013 to see how the city looks.  That is when I thought Philadelphia a city of contrast.

If our founding Fathers and there influential wives and lady friends where to see the trash all over PHiladelphia, they would appalled.  I know I am.  I have a lot of faith in PHiladelphia "the Grand Dame" of the American Republic and the people who call her home now. 

Here is the plan (You can make suggestions, I need your input to do this right).

First have a 1st Amendment gathering in Love park or another close to the city center.
Make this like an Earth Day event except the focus is Philadelphia and her non-profits working to make a positive impact in this community.  Such as PHiladelphia trees. 

Once "Cash for Trash" is legalized and initialized I'll set up the management and work teams to see this thru.  While Cash for Trash is dealing with the Streets of Philadelphia Concept E-3 will go to work on the Delaware and Schulykill Rivers.  This is a strength of mine.  Improving water quality. 
I know a lot of money has been spent, but I do not know where.  When I tackle something like a river or lake a lot is involved.  First of course is clean up of floating litter.  Then I address issues such as contamination and non source point pollution.  As a matter of course My name Steven L. Childs will soon be all over the place.  I am not satisfied with water quality here.  I can't take the credit but I can sure use the "Oyster spawning program" being used in the Chesepeake Bay Region. 

Your getting the gist.  I do not just throw money at a problem.  I work with Nature as well as Mankind to solve problems.  The goal for Concept E-3 is a global presence by 2020 or sooner if I can get the sponsors for Concept E-3'sw national tour 2015.  This leads to the International tour for 2017.

More about this later.  (originated in 2002).

More of Jami's family time suggestions

visit for more and some  info for your pets.

6) Journal,journal,journal.  This is a healthy way to deal with everyday issues.  Some of your entries can be shared with family members too.  Jami suggest a 2 minute limit per entry. Some ime we write down some of the silliest stuff.  Sometimes joy results because you heare about the love that another has for you.

7) Take a hike!  Everybody can have fun getting out.  With the nice weather on the way this is great family time together.

8) Picture this!  I can't think of anything as fun and simple as sharing photos.  Espoecially with your childrens boyfriends and girlfriends.  I can see the embarrased looks now.  With cell phone enven siblings and parents can be captured via digital imagery!

9) Here I am going to help Jami out a little.  Jami is the editor of Philly Fit magazine.  Here is a plug for check for information pertaining to PhillyFIT Bash!  Let Jamie know you herad about this right here.

10) Now this is a plug for yours truly.  "Cash for Trash"
launch coming soon here in Philadelphia.