Thursday, February 6, 2014

"Not Politics as Usual."

I have decided since Texas General land Commissioner did not work out my focus is now to start
campaigning for US President.

The election is not until 2016 but now is the time to start fundraising and working hard to make a difference.

I titled this "Not politics as usual." and I really mean this.  Like yourself I love this country.
The USA was never meant to be a democracy run by a bunch of 'selfish' people.  Our country the USA is meant to be a Republic ran with your help by a lot of 'selfless'people.
I am going to say a few things.  

I am Pro-choice.  By this I mean that rather than our babies making baby's we as parent should have the right to influence our children's behaviors without "Child Protective Service" beating on our doors every-time we spank our children or take away there toys.  A beating means broken bones and bloody bodies, not parental correction.

As Americans we should be able to smoke cigarettes in saloons and beer bars without being told we can't.  I understand not smoking in a restaurant.  People go to bars to drink, smoke, and shoot pool.  To me gun control means breathe, relax, aim, shoot.  Use wisdom if you have kids put the guns under lock and key.  I am tired of reading news stories where kids are shooting kids in schools.
Put the paddle back in the school principles office, the school teachers classroom, and back home.  You do not want anyone whipping your kids, then teach them to act right.
America was founded on guiding principles and the Christian Bible, put The Holy Bible and prayer back in the school house, put the Ten Commandments back in the courthouse. put nativity scenes featuring Jesus, Mary, and Joseph back on the city hall lawn.  
The ACLU does a lot of good things all of this nonsense about "separation of Church and State is that.  What our founding Fathers said is that we should not have to pay taxes to the church of the USA.  We don't, we never did.  ACLU can find a more responsible way to make money.
Social Security is needed and should be funded, always.
A big part of America's debt is the money the Federal Reserve Prints.
I am pro-business, America needs jobs.  I am pro-environment we have to clean up our surface lands and waters, to give our children a better chance for survival.
I have a lot more to say and will later.  Your comments and concerns are welcome here.