Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Why I can post 'Look good naked".


My name is Steven Childs and I am an environmentalist that is also and ecosavatt.  As a nenber of Concept E-3 many times you will find me out in Baltimore practicing what I preach.  I have a second passion and that is the bodybuilding lifestyle.  Sometime in the near future I will be competing in the super heavy weight class.  This is since for over 20 years I have been a bodybuilding and fitness enthusiast.  I think everybody from 18-80 needs a regular program of diet and exercise.  THis is since here in the USA many of us do not walk to school for 5 miles everyday.  Uphill both ways.  Our idea of fetching water is going to the kitchen sink Not walking a mile to the community well.  The freshest produce we get is at the grocery store.   The thing is our bodies are meant to be used.  Today I am going to show you that eating a balanced meal is easy as 1,2,3.
1 is the first half of your plate should be vegetables and fruits .  2/3rd of the rest of your plate should be your protein source.  If your Vegan this is the tofu and beans or nuts you know wehat your doing.  If you are a person that like their meats.  Then 2 times a week opt for fish proteins.  Red Meats 1 time a week unless you like them a lot.  The rest of the tim enjoy poultry and pork.  The miniscule part of yopur plate that does not have a lot on it is for your sauces, butters. fats and such.  There You Go as easy as 1,2,3.  Healthy eating on behalf of Concept E-3...Nature Restored is the following message.

Monday, October 31, 2011

and the winner is

The winner is the person that seeks to help clean up our planet by using some sweat equity.
This starts when you decide to put that cigareette butt in the trrash and not on the ground.
When you encourage those people you see around town to 'Put litter in its place".  As of now my focus is on generating income in order to get back to the important work of 'Concept E-3 and "The Baltimore Project". From 1997- 2002 I ran an unknown non profit.  Unknown because of the many grant request I sent in many came back not now.  This is since environmental cleanup and restoration is more logical than emotional.  Mind sets are changing.  This is good so I will continue my efforts though on a limited scale.  On the web site http://www.concepte-3.info/ I will soon be adding a second page.  Well off to check my mail. 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

What is "green building" any ways?

"Green Building" is about designing homes and commercial buildings with the objective of being environmentally friendly.  The short course is Like take your existing home.  When you get your Gas, electric, and water bills these bills tell you lots of things.  Number 1 is how much your utilities cost that month.  This as far as many people go.  Lets take this a step further.  What is the amount of kilowats of electricity did you use.  How man cubic feet of natural gas did you use.  Finally how man gallons of water did you use.  These are the most important issues that "green remodeling and green building' address.  Then the complicated stuff like window and frames, doorways, thermal bridging etc.  We will; get to these later.  Now back to how much energy, gas, and water do you currently use.  Here are some quick money saving habits.
Many of these you have heard before. But I will mention them any one.
To save energy as well as money, Here are a few pointers.  Except in kitchen and restroom I will encourage the use of mini flourescents bulbs.  In the kitchen natural light is best.  The next best thing is GE's natural light bulbs.  I say use these in a kitchen that gets very little natural light and at night.  Simply because you can see better.  This is why I used these bulbs in the bathroom too.  
To save water when brushing your teeth, turn it off while you are doing to work and just use the water to rinse out you mouth and rinse off your tooth brush.   Shaving men use the sink stopper and turn that water off.  You can rinse your razor off in water left in the sink bowl for that purpose.  Women tend to shave their legs bathing.  This is good since they are in a tub full of water...

With The villages housing coop.  I use 'Green techniques and Methodologies' when restoring older homes or building new ones.  What I work to achieve is a tight building envelope.  This refrs to the space we live inside of.  Visit my web site http://www.concepte-3.info/ and become a member today!