Thursday, November 29, 2012

At the intersection of growth and population (1)

This is something to think about.  Many businesse have grown dramatically.  This is because world poulations have grown so much too.  Since 1950 global population has surged 300%.

Our planet itself has a pre-existing geographical boundaries.  So Population has grown and resources have been improperly or poorly managed for the most part.  People cut down forest to replace with farmlands.  so money was made selling timber.  The floors of forest are not supportive of farms.  Today a better managemant idea would be to thin forest.  Hang baskets from trees using a nailless suspension system and plant crops in them. 

The other thing is that each person needs fulfilling work to do.  They need access to fresh water and a place to live.  Each person needs plentiful food sources too. Everyone also generates waste too.  so I think recycling and reusable grocery bags are the new norm.

 If you cut down all of the trees you lose your squirrel, rabbits, and deer.  You also lose the benefits of carbon absorption.  Reducing the heat island effect.  You lose your water table level management, nitrogen retention riparian sector, did I forget to mention oxygen production.

Clear cutting forest are like removing a lung.  These trees are that important.  Between the tree trunks, limbs, and leaves you have a most efficient use of vertical and horizontal space.  In englis a fully leafed tree has a lot more surface area to use photsynthesis than a pepper bush.
The Wall Stree Journal rumored that wildlife is resuging.  Just that now they are our neighbors too.
That being the case since we destroyed their homes to build our homes then we might consider providing some forage for "Our Neighbors"  consumption.  Start acompost pile for food scraps and paper plates and cups and such.  This is so that  raccoons and bears do not have to tip over our trash cans for a morsel of food.

Somsewhere between the growth of human population and the decimation of forest and other life forms, we really need to find a balance where man and nature can thrive.  This is the bigger picture for Concept e-3..."Nature Restored".

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A story

Many years ago a little planet was formed.  This planet destiny was to be inhabited.  Initially there was a lot of volcanic activit.  Eons passed ant the Earth remodeled.  Water appeared and as the water cooled bacterium appeared that produced oxygen.  The earth cooled more and now vegetation appeared that oxygenated the atmosphere like bacterium oxygenated the waters and more plant life evolved.The Earth was still.  Into the  quiet and stillness other life evolved.  Eons passed the Earth changed and more life evolved.  The Earth's oceans and forest were full of abundant life.  The Creator said let's make something different something new.  EL said I want to experience myself.By he Jewish tradition less than 7000 years ago, Adam was created and so was Eve.  ( The Holy Bible is a story about only one blood line that started with ADM.
Aleph is the creative aspect.  Daleth is the 2 sexes expressed and Mem is the physical archtype)

The world has not been the same since.ADMs job was not only naming things but also taking care of his home.  As I like to say Adams job was to dress the Garden of Eden.  Earth was in balance Man and Nature thrived.  Mankind is you and I, that person in the next cubicle,across the street,and those people in another country.  We are all from the family of man.  The keys to the kingdom (Malkuth) where given to us.  Man is the dominant species.  If  our planet is to be cleaned and prepped for our descendants use, then it is up to YOU and I, Not the governments of this world to solve our environmental problems and find the balancing point where MANS' wants and needs are in alignment with NATURES wants and needs.  That scriptural reference where "ALL 0F CREATION" Moaneth in travail for the Manifestation of the Sons of GOD. Is what I see now.  many of us forgot that we are charged with the care and nurturing of our planet.
Stop pointing the finger and wagging the tongue.  Realize all of the trash out there is not "The Other Persons" fault.  Cleaning the oceans and other surface waters, cleaning up surface lands and waters everywhere is not the Governments responsibility.  Let us get back to our story.  After mankind was removed from "The Garden of Eden", the agricultural age was born.  This cursing the ground was for our benefit in that through work we would learn how to do things.  Later villages and cities were created.  Monarchies and village councils were established.   Fire was harnessed and Man learnt alchemy.  How to turn rock into metals.  At somewhen man was taught to war.  I do not know who developed the idea of 'Private Property'. The Ecclesiate said "There is nothing new under the sun, All is vanity and vexation of Spirit."  Earth change our wisdom and our populations grew.  Eventually we wound up in the "Age of Industry".  Slowly, sadly, many of us became disconnected from Nature.  The World weeps and we are to blame.  Man has in the past always treated Nature with reverence.  Seriously if we continue to choke the oceans with plastics and clear cut our forest and decimate mountaintops , where else are we going to go.  Mankind was/is meant to love and cherish nature to help her to keep us all well fed and watered.  This is where the term 'nurture' comes from, 'nature'. Today here are many more billions of us human souls living at the same time on our planet than ever before.  We all eat, drink, consume resources, create waste and need something of value to do. Our demands on the Nature based systems that allow Earth to support life have progressed geometrically. 
     We are standing in the dawn of a 'New Era'.  The old industrial system of progress is going by the wayside. Will you stop pointing your finger and wagging your tongue?  Saying that is not my fault.  This is not my responsibility.  Will you instead chose to stand beside me and have us work together to solve our many environmental problems.  Find the balancing point so that Our grandchildren can once again swim in a lake.  That bountiful rivers full of fish will flow once again.  That is what this "COMMUNITY CALLED CONCEPT E-3" is all about.   Concept E-3...Nature Restored
      Realize that all of the pollution and environmental degradation is not 'The other guys fault.'  Not the other guys problem.  No all of this is ours to share in and fix.   The 4th Horseman of the Apocalypse is waiting to ride, I say let him wait longer.  The choice is ours the choice to survive and flourish in balance with nature or to die because we killed her citizens has always been our choice.  Know that somewhere between conception and application there exist A BALANCING POINT!  Where mankind can survive and Nature can thrive.  There is much to do.
Steven L. Childs Ecosattav for Concept E-3...Nature Restored
visit www.gatewayministries.blogspot for more.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Invasive species...NOT

I have been doing my usual things such as saving the world.  I got to thinking that with global warming, melting polar caps and loss of glaciers, even more changes are on the way. 
With the global increas in carbon to 387 PPM and the global rise in temperature of 1 degree Celcius, we have to look at animals and plants differently.  In the USA a lot of money is spent on 'invasive species, Horses in New Mexico, Kudzu in Georgia, China Berries everywhere, Canadian Geese here in Baltimore and Zebra Mollusk, and Blue channel Catfish in Patapsco rivers.  It is time for a rethink.

As human we tend to move from place to place too!  Some of us are considered aliens, illegal or otherwise ;). 

Instead of focusng on invasive species, lets rethink and realize that these animals, plants, and insects thrive because USA and the states they are living in  are now their new homes.  So instead of spending money to  eliminate or remove our 'new neighbors' let's do this.  Embrace the changes and work with our new neighbors.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

America's Energy future

Short and sweet.  If you are an American that pays attention to gasoline prices, THIS POST IS FOR US!

Natural gas can make a great transportation fuel.  Actually Natural Gas burns cleaner than gasoline. 
Energy is understood as BTU's.  1 gallon of gasoline has 250,000 BTU's of energy in  an easily transportable form as the gasoline our vehicles use.

To get this amount of energy from natural gas the gas needs to be compressed or liquified. 

Since natural gas is delivered nationwide at about 5 PSI it would have to be compressed to 5000 PSI in order to be delivered to your car where it is safely stored at 3000 PSI. 

Here is the catch.  A compressor used to bring 5 PSI Ng to 5000 PSI Ng cost about  $350,000.

For 1 fast fill pump station.  This is why we still rely on oil from foreign governments who DO NOT LIKE THE USA! 

Currently we have a lot of things going on.  If you love our Republic like I do then you can begin to feel the gravity of this situation.  For our security the USA has to become energy independant.  Using Natural Gas (Ng) as a bridge fuel between now and when Hydrogen becomes the transportation fuel of choice.  Hydrogen is technically and energy carrier not an energy source.  Hydrogen Cells therefore use Hydrogen to carry electricity that is then used to power our cars. 

In the mean time I still see 100's of cars daily being driven by 1 person and no passengers.  My feelings are if everyone would car pool and use public transportation  during their work week, they could all have fancy cars and eat at fancy restuarants with their familie on days off saving 100's of dollars a month.  A reducing our dependance on foreign oil.
visit for more  (So you don't get bored!)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Earth: We Still Need Her.

EARTH: We Still Need Her!
Is a capital campaign and membership recruitment drive for Concept E-3.Let me start by reiterating that  'Concept E-3' is an environmental movement, a community of sorts.  This blog is the first contact. temporarily.

To become a part of Concept E-3 is pretty easy.  Send me an email with your contact information which should  include your cell phone number and email.  This information will allow you to receives monthly text and Emails to let you know what event are planned like "Cash for Trash", Old Town Revitalization Committee, and other projects that may come up.  I respect your privacy.  This information will not be used by myself other than for Concept E-3 busines.  Of cours you are all invited to be a friend of mine on Facebook.  THe Facebook fan page is you guesses it,  Concept E-3.  My facebook profile is at slchilds.
I want you to offer Concept E-3 your time , talent , and ideas.  First to make "The Baltimore Project" a resounding success.  If you are aware of messy places by all means let me know.  I will no doubt ask for your help in cleaning these places up.  Good Day, SL Childs 'Ecosattav' for Concept E-3's "The Baltimore Project".

visit my you tube channel "STeven Childs"  go to 'Concept E-3'  list to see some good video.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Looking good naked, nutrients.

This is the shortened version.  For more detail explore
Nutrients are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, alcohols, vitamins, minerals.  Each is important life on Earth. 
Our bodies are thermochemical generators.  We were created to use captured solar energies in the form of food. 

All of this food has to be digested.  Too many calories not enough energy expended equals fat people.  On the other side not enough calories leads to slower metabolisms and fat people. 

Then their are many humans that do not even have adequate nutrition.  This leads to so many more bad things.  The next time you go to a buffet, put less food on your plate to minimize waste.  After all you can get more food. 

Part of this series of articles is to help people work better with themselves.  Too fat, too thin, poor self esteem, unexpressed emotional stress.  Working with the foods we eat and the activities we pursue can only help us be better people.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Carbon Watts?

carbon credits

What are carbon credits you ask?  Glad I can be of some help.  I am writing this in a not to intell,er, i mean smart way;)

Lets say you own an industrial plant.  This particular industrial plant has a big smoke stack.  The process you are using creates smoke , (green house gasses).  It would cost you a Gazillion dollars to stop emitting all of this smoke.  You don't have that much money under your mattress.  So what you do is buy "carbon credits".  Currently I think "carbon Credits" are selling for about $16.00.  This means you pay $16.00 to someone to be allowed to belch out 1 metric ton of carbon (green house gases).  This makes the regulatory authorities happy.  This way you can still run your factory.  Since gasses do not weigh a lot, this would be a lot of carbon.

Here is my question.  where does the money go?  Does someone take your $16 and plant some trees that can also offset your carbon emissions.

On Earth there are two very popular places that suck up your carbon.  The first is forest.  The problem is that in the good ole US of A 78% of our forest are gone.  As for the rest of the world they cut down trees to make money.  This means your carbon is absorbed by the Oceans.  Thats right the oceans are a huge carbon sink.  The problem with all of those trees being gone, our Oceans absorb too musch carbon.  So much carbon in fact that when mixed with other elements this carbon becomse NASTY,NASTY carbonic acid.  This is why man of our planets reefs are bleached white.   This is also why many marine animals can no longer make the shells they need out of calcium they absorb from the waters.

Hers is what you can do.  Look at your yard.  Plant some trees.

What is Concept E-3

Concept E-3 is a growing environmental movement.  A community of individuals from all walks of life.  We are scientist and engineers, we are students and nature lovers, some of us are moms and dads.  All of us want fresh air to breathe and clean water to drink.  Concept E-3 is made up of people who are willing to do what it takes to solve our planets environmental problems.  This blog is the first point of contact. 

The idea of Concept E-3 was born out of a conversation I had many years ago in Oceanside
California.  I was speaking with a fellow Marine that was also a student of Marine biology.  We did say over 2/3f our planet is covered in water.  The Oceans would be a great place to live in.
Neither of thought that "Jules Verne's " idea of a transparent dome would be reasonable.  Unless the dome was built first and then the water was displaced by air.  Then there is the matter of depth and pressure.  I suggested what would probably work is a concrete hub and spoke assembly that people could live in.  Then I started thinking what about our planets surface?  In 1982 I made the decision to become an environmental engineer.  From 1987-1992 I applied myself to learning what I can through Columbus State College Continuing Education and other programs.  I walked a way with a strong grasp of the principles of solid waste management and on site environmental restoration.
In 1997 I started PCR Inc. a non profit dedicated to environmental clean up and restoration.  I did accomplish a lot of things.  By 2002 I was unable to obtain needed monies to keep PCR up and running. 
Years later Concept E-3 is born.  Today my work involves growing this community on line and later in the real world. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


The Baltimore Project is best described as, "An urban adventure in neighborhood clean-up and community revitalization.  Current targeted site are "Middle Branch" portion of the "Gwynn Falls trail.  Westport community, Upton Avenue near Druid Hills.  3 m0re sites are going to be chosen for some clean-up and revitalization eforts.

If you know of some other places with lots of trash on the ground, list them right here.

Where did the lake go?

When I was a child back in  the early 60's our fun thing to do was go to Red Bluff lake and the Monahans Sand Dunes.  Both of these places where in Texas.  I remember mm and dad would load up our camper.  Dad would hitch up our boat, The "Janet Lee". We would go to Red Bluff lake and spend the weekend having fun.  You could and we did fish, swim, water ski, and campout.  I remember dad bringin in todays catch and we would have fresh fish that night.  Sometimes other people would join us around the campfire.  There would be stories to share as well as soda for the kids and cold beer for the adults.  I would sometimes look up at the night skyes.  The stars went on forever.   Red Bluff lake is gone now and so are many others.

 What is left is signs that say NO SWIMMING, NO FISHING. NO CAMPING.  Many because of contamination.  When you choose to be a member of Concept E-3...Nature Restored,  Then you take a 'PROACTIVE STANCE.  Like myself and others YOU would be choosing to solve many problems.

Monday, September 10, 2012

look good naked


I feel that now is a great time to get in the best shape of your life.  Who am I, My name is Steven Childs 'Ecosavatt' for Concept E-3.  I am also a 20 year veteran of fitness, nutrition, bodybuilding.
Vist the  above site for more.  "The Good News Press" is the blogs name.  Here I am going to share some information you can use to look, feel, and be your best.

In todays world it is even more important to be physically fit and to feel attractive.  Starting now I want you to hide your bathroom scale.  The mirror and your camera phone are going to be your new best buddies.
Being in shape does not mean just being skinny.  Being in shape means you look good and that your body performs well.  We will bring out the scales though for a little while.
Today lets focus on putting together your Body Odyssey Journal.

Buy a spiral notebook.  On the inside front cover place your name, your current pants size.
Write an affirmation like "I am looking and feeling better every week".

Take some pictures in a pair of gym shorts.  Your shots so a t-shirt is optional but for modesty's sake lets do your pictures of your self with a plain t-shirt.

Your first picture is forward facing relaxed.  If you have a spare tire and not a 6-pak
your second shot is relaxed side and show that belly.  Go ahead roll up the shirt.
Your last shot take off the T-shirt.  This will be a relaxed back shot. 

Now back to your journal.  For the rest of this month everything you eat and drink is to be recorded everyday.  If you fill ambitious get a calorie counter book too.  Just becoming aware of what you eat and drink is going to help a lot.
  Visit  This blogs title is "The Good News Press". 
 Here I will be placing recipes and lots of other 'GOOD THINGS" and of course your comments are welcome.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Trash, Trash, and more trash

Visit It is nice to know that if all Americans decided to throw all their trash in
a trash can instead of on the ground we would help keep over 1 billion peices of trash out of our waters and about the same out of our few remaining forest and tree stands.  So the next time your ridng down the road in your car and decide to throw that LIT CIGARETTE BUTT  out of the window or other trash, DO NOT DO IT. Keep a plastic grocery bag in your vehicle for litter and use it.  If you smoke, The last time I looked manufactureres still have ash trays.  Put out those butts and use them.

Everything is connected.  The fish we eat the produce we buy and the water we drink all come from our Earth.  The last I checked, we are not all rocketing out to space.  If we did space junk would smash into our spaceship.  It is true as a species we keep creating lots of  trash and debris.
I am available to come to your schools or work places and talk about the little things we can do to make our life on Earth better for US, OUR CHILDREN, THE NATURE we share.


Friday, August 17, 2012

Saving The Chesapeake and other extreme sports!

.Algae blooms, fish kills, and smelly water.  Sounds like Baltimores waterways to me.  If I can get some cooperation with EVERYBODY!, we can do some cool stuff.  I have already posted "Trash for Cash".  I have been paying attention to surface water quality too.  Here is some things we can do to help mother nature reverse "Eutriphication".  Okay here is a small list of habits we can adopt.  Take public transit.  Any given day of the week 10's of 1000's of vehicles are being driven with only the driver as passenger.   "Carpool people".  Buy your nice cars and drive them once a week to work.  Carpool with peers and superiors.  With all of the money you save you can actually go on vacation somewhere other than your living room.  I've experienced this myself.  Oh yeah you have a yard plant some vegetation.  You have a patio, have a box planter.  If you own a home with a roof, Hire someone like myself to clean out and fix up your gutters.  You know with 'Down Spouts'.  Here is the reason.  With a clean gutter and properly installed down spouts you can capture water run off in barrels  instead of digging holes in your yard by 'erosion'. Soils tend to hold on to phosphates and nitrates from rain fall an fertilizing.  When water erodes soils it releases nitrates and phosphates.  Encourage your neighbors, strangers, friends, and yourself to put trash in the "TRASH CAN".  Not on the ground.  Here is something scary. Turtles are a predatory species when it come to jelly fish.  The plastic bags that we through on the ground today wind up in theoceans later.  Turtles snap up these 'jelly fish looking plastic  grocery bags and they die.'  What we get is too many jelly fish in our waters waiting to sting us.  This means swimming is out.  So the algae blooms and fish kills we create are natures attempt to restore balance in our marine systems.  Too bad some of these algae create neurotoxins that destroy our marine fish.  Or OUR SEAFOOD we like to eat.  Either view works.  We are the cause of our Earth's problems.  Organizations like Concept E-3  (us) are going to do what we can.  Your time, labor, and monies will help too.  Let's start with putting out trash in the trash can.  If a can is full take your trash with you until you find an empty one.  Put out your cigarette butts before you throw them away.  Throw them in the trash too.  Downtown there is "The downtown Partnership".  Look at who you are and where you are at.  For most of us 'Mom" doesn't clean up after us and their is NO ONE cleaning up our messes.  This week start a new habit,  "Put Litter in it's Place", in the trash can so that it can be disposed of properly.  Oh yeah if you need to, get a lid for your trashcan.   Steven L. Childs "Ecosavatt" for Concept E-3's
"The Baltimore Project".

Thursday, June 28, 2012

What the Frac!

 Is a method used to obtain Natural Gas from things shale bedrock.
The question I had was "What is Frac Fluid made with".  For a limited time I am offering this recipe for FRAC SOUP!  1st you get some water add some sand and a bunch of other stuff.  As I understand 'Hydraulic Fracturing' is like 90% water 9.5% sand and .5% other stuff.  The problem with the 'other stuff' is we are talking about using truck loads of fracturing fluids in every hole.

Lets make some FRAC SOUP!  Water __,  Sand __, Acid __, Biocide__, Breaker (Stabilizes the gel that will soon form.  How else can water suspend sand?)__, Clay Stabilizer __, Corrosion Inhibitor( For the steel casing used to line the Fracking Hole.)__,Cross Linker(Maintains fluid<gel>viscosity)__,Friction Reducer(We are supposed to break ground rock with this)__, 'GELLING AGENT'(I get this vision of a "Liquid Plumber" commercial where the chemicals form a sort of foam snake to "Wash those problems down the drain".)__, Iron Control(prevents metal particles from forming)__,Non-Emulsifiers, and (My timer is running out:)PH Adjusting agents,scale inhibitors, surfacants,  Mix well and inject under pressure under ground to bust up shale rock, . 

Next where does the stuff go?  Boys and girls wait till I tell you about extracting oil from "oil

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The case for 'collaboration'

I was talking to a young man today in law school.  we were both waiting for bus 27 to carry us to our designations. He has this program called "The spoken Word" not a church ministry.  The draw is he voices well articulated concepts.  I hope soon to see one of his performances.  I then mentioned to him that collaborations are a way to work with other people to get things done.  (This is to you Mrs. Nancy Walsh).  I am am going to do some collaborations my self.  Concept E-3...Nature Restored is to be a global movement solving humanities environmental woes.  Along the way there will be lot of opportunities to address some human social needs of comfortable housing and access to fresh water. With a population pushing toward 7 Billion souls, we need to develop some new models to deal with our growing population.  The cause for collaboration includes partnering with Habitat for Humanity here in the Chesepeake Bay Area. In order to provide well built and affordable homes for working class families, I need to develop relationships with existing builders.  This is since I have a lot of great ideas.  I need to 'borrow someone elses credibility'.  Then monmies would be made available to build low income housing.  My thouhgt is that these 'homes' should be well insulated.  They should have 'living' roofs on them.  These truly 'affordable' home should conserv water and save on utilities.  with collaboration as my model it takes away the 'greedy mentality'.  I should share my ideas with my partners.  This will save money on refurbishing 100's of the homes available through the city of "Baltimore's" Vacancies to Values program.   The need for low income (Walmart, Mcdonalds, Exxon,Safeway, wages type housing.) housing is  at the crisis level.  "Collaborations" like Vacancies to Value) should be in every city in America.  a [popular form of Collaboration is' The Fair Trade' program touted by better coffee shops throughout America.  another collaboration of note is every major motion picture we watch at theatres.  Look at the scores of people mentioned in the end credits.
So this is 'The case for collaboration'.  I am off to collabborat now myself.  Until next time,  this is Steven childs, founder of concept E-3... Nature Restored  and the chief collaborator for "The Baltimore Project".

Friday, February 10, 2012


Anthropocene is a term used that means that human activity is a force of global change. 
No duh!  I wonder where that idea came from.  This term can be read about on 'the economist' website.
I think now is the time to get some people becoming involved in solving many of our worlds problems. 
What we as humans can do is clean up all the pollution we have left lying around.  Including the 10,000 + or- square miles of plastic floating in the oceans.  Not asllowing the sun's light to penetrate.  Which means no plant growth and reduced marine habitation.   Part of this solution is reactivating the USA's naval destroyer fleet after re tooling them to go from weapons to clean up aides.  As far as putting people to work give them $10 a day US and feed them like the Navy does and the ships will be filled with eager hands doing this work.  Paying for this intensive project is a global thing not just a Concept E-3 or US thing.  While cleaning up the plastic oceans we can start to repopulate Marine Fisheries.  What a cool Concept.  People working together to clean our trash and help nature replenish the oceans. While I am looking at this post industrial age paradigm I have to admit.  Humans work together real well destroying things like the HIV virus.  So lets add some positive energy to our world while acting like benefical bacteria.   To make this happen, seriously write, email, or call your political leaders starting today.