Saturday, September 28, 2013

WWIII and What If?

Shew, our planet is getting smaller.  Natural Gas, Our Environment, Foreign Oil Imports...
Syria, Turkey, Russia, North Korea, China, Kenya, The Boston Marathon.
Where is our world going?
What if China was refining nuclear wast to make Nukes and doing this in North Korea.  We wouldn't know.  Build an underground tunnel network and harden against nuclear attack, satellite won't see anything.

What if Mongolia the Northern most part of China had Political Relationships with The Southern most portion of Russia?

What if Russia occupied 1/6ths of the worlds total land mass and climate just keeps heating up.  My question is why is is it that China isn't gobbling up the mostly uninhabited land in Russia.  They are allies.

Here is a concern.  Russia practically touches Alaska. Did former President Clinton gave Russia permission to get  oil from Alaska?  I think so since we originally acquired Alaska from Russia.  I hope that the USA has a cold weather military installation in Alaska   What separates Alaska from the Easternmost part of Russia is "THE BERING STRAIGHT"

Everybody knows that USA's East Coast has good naval protection, what about California's Pacific Ocean side.  Our world is a sphere.  I like to call Earth a 'Big Blue Marble".  So it is important to our National Defense that we have good relationships with South America and Mexico.

Mexico, why isn't Mexico a commonwealth of the United States. For that matter Quatamala, Nicaragua, and and Honduras much like the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico?

They still govern themselves but we don't build fences to keep their citizens away.  Like we do in Mexico, I suspect this has everything to do with the Mexican Government.  Everything can be had for a price.

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