If there ever was a time when a NWO, New World Order could spring up, now would be the age.
I say this because we have devaluation of currencies. Sometime in the future we have less paying jobs available than now. The wealthy are fine, it is everybody else that suffers. Unless the global 'non-monetary system', give all of the Earths people a "Universal Basic Income."
With no jobs, where else does the money to survive come from?
I say this because we have devaluation of currencies. Sometime in the future we have less paying jobs available than now. The wealthy are fine, it is everybody else that suffers. Unless the global 'non-monetary system', give all of the Earths people a "Universal Basic Income."
With no jobs, where else does the money to survive come from?
What is happening is the rise of the data storage and computational power of AI.
We are coming closer to developing really advanced bionic/prosthetic systems.
As a whole our planets human population keeps growing.
What we do is pollute, eat, sleep, and generate waste. Every country has bills to pay but when the wealthiest freemen control most of the dollars in a growing global economy, only these wealthy
folks can pay the national bills. Not everyone else struggling over bread crumbs from the rich mans table.
So paradigms have to change, Industrial age thinking has no place when so many items are produced by machines and not people getting paid wages.
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