...than ever before but my money buys me less.
This is a national problem in America. I have no problem with people accumulating vast someof money. But like the Walton's of Walmart fame, they receive billions of extra dollars in profits
every year. My question has always been Why don't they pay better wages?" The answer lies in The book Rich dad Poor dadby Robert Kyosaki. The answer lies in the fact that "they don't have too.
This is okay but if they did pay their 50,000 plus workers aminimal wage of$10.00 per hournsticking with the guiding principle of no overtimefor non salaried workers, profits would still be made. In the book "Fast Food Nation", Eric Schrosser points out that the 'buying power' of an hourly employee reached its peak buy 1973.
This is a national problem in America. I have no problem with people accumulating vast someof money. But like the Walton's of Walmart fame, they receive billions of extra dollars in profits
every year. My question has always been Why don't they pay better wages?" The answer lies in The book Rich dad Poor dadby Robert Kyosaki. The answer lies in the fact that "they don't have too.
This is okay but if they did pay their 50,000 plus workers aminimal wage of$10.00 per hournsticking with the guiding principle of no overtimefor non salaried workers, profits would still be made. In the book "Fast Food Nation", Eric Schrosser points out that the 'buying power' of an hourly employee reached its peak buy 1973.
I would have to concur based on my personal observations. That this is a true statement and
furthermore the buying power of America's hourly wage earnershas been in steady decline
since. In the 1970's my mom went to work for extra money for things like taking us kids
out to "McDonalds" to eat. That whole marketing campaign saying at Mc Donald's you can
buy a hamburger, fries, and a coke for a dollar ($1.00) and still get change back was very true.
Any ways in 1972 gasoline was 28 cents a gallon and diesel fuel was only 4 cents a gallon. So Detroit introduced the consumer driven "Diesel powered truck." People bought a lot of theses to save money on fuel cost. 1973 also brang us the Arab oil embargo. This came with Fuel rationing and gasoline wars. After the embargo stopped theprice of diesel fuel started to climb and hasn't stopped since. Today in every market the price of Diesel fuel which requires lessprocessing than Gasoline still cost more than premium motor fuel. Why "Supply and Demand", when people bought those Diesel poweredvihicles 'To Save Money', thesupply of Diesel became more scarce than the supply of other fuels, so prices went up. This is why the transportation of goods cost so much. A large tractor trailer used to get maybe 4 miles per gallon. Today themileage is better but still commercial truckers pay out the nose for their fuel.

In the 80's most parents went to work to make ends meet. Today in 2014 it is not uncommon to find people working 80 hours a week or better to get by and maybe have something to save. Most Americans are today, "working Poor". Too much money to get food stamps, to little money to afford health insurance for their families and themselves. Many families earn too much money for their kids to get grants for higher education. As America's firure President , I hope me and The "working Congress and Senate will make things better. As America's President I really can't hire and fire members of the legislative branch that fail to perform but I can influence a lot of people to get their "Elected Representatives, actually working for the poor majority of their constituents."
So it is so true, I am working more hours than last year but I have less money left over.
Let us work to change this. SL Childs.
Like my FB page; Steven Childs for President 2016-2024
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