Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Marijuana should be legalized

While in college I did an essay on legalizing Marijuana.  I want to share this. I couldn't find the durn thing, yet. 
    I found that marijuana is an extremely safe and effective recreational drug.  Marijuana also has a lot of therapeutic usage.  In America our medical drugs are assigned a value that determines half of what dosage is needed to kill the user.  Doing this with rats, researches really couldn't find an amount of marijuana that would kill their research rats.  Alcohol is a simple thing, if 2 drinks get you buzzed 20, would probably kill you.  Not so with marijuana.  Of course if you smoke enough recreational marijuana you will probably become stoned out of your mind.  chances are you will recover fully with no ill after effects.
     Like anything else (alcohol consumption) some people will see what they can get away with.  Let me help you out.  When recreational usage of marijuana gets legalized, still understand driving under the influence of cannabis in a reckless manner will still get you arrested.  Give Cannabis the same respect due to alcohol, don't smoke and drive and don't go to work and decide to have a "Cannabis" break.  With responsible and intelligent usage, many can benefit from legalization.

This is important, if you currently are selling marijuana "illegally", know this, get ready to apply for a wholesalers license or CVS and Walgreens will have your business. 

That is it for this post.  Till next time, like my Facebook page; Steven Childs for president 2016-2024.


Saturday, November 8, 2014

I am working more hours..

...than ever before but my money buys me less.
This is a national problem in America.  I have no problem with people accumulating vast someof money.  But like the Walton's of Walmart fame, they receive billions of extra dollars in profits
every year.  My question has always been Why don't they pay better wages?"  The answer lies in The book Rich dad Poor dadby Robert Kyosaki.  The answer lies in the fact that "they don't have too.
    This is okay but if they did pay their 50,000 plus workers aminimal wage of$10.00 per hournsticking with the guiding principle of no overtimefor non salaried workers, profits would still be made. In the book "Fast Food Nation", Eric Schrosser points out that the 'buying power' of an hourly employee reached its peak buy 1973.

I would have to concur based on my personal observations.  That this is a true statement and 
furthermore the buying power of America's hourly wage earnershas been in steady decline
since.  In the 1970's my mom went to work for extra money for things like taking us kids
out to "McDonalds" to eat.  That whole marketing campaign saying at Mc Donald's you can 
buy a hamburger, fries, and a coke for a dollar ($1.00) and still get change back was very true. 
Any ways in 1972 gasoline was 28 cents a gallon and diesel fuel was only 4 cents a gallon.  So Detroit introduced the consumer driven "Diesel powered truck."  People bought a lot of theses to save money on fuel cost. 1973 also brang us the Arab oil embargo.  This came with Fuel rationing and gasoline wars.  After the embargo stopped theprice of diesel fuel started to climb and hasn't stopped since. Today in every market the price of Diesel fuel which requires lessprocessing than Gasoline still cost more than premium motor fuel.  Why "Supply and Demand", when people bought those Diesel poweredvihicles 'To Save Money', thesupply of Diesel became more scarce than the supply of other fuels, so prices went up.  This is why the transportation of goods cost so much.  A large tractor trailer used to get maybe 4 miles per gallon.  Today themileage is better but still commercial truckers pay out the nose for their  fuel.  

In the 80's most parents went to work to make ends meet.  Today in 2014 it is not uncommon to find people working 80 hours a week or better to get by and maybe have something to save.  Most Americans are today, "working Poor".  Too much money to get food stamps, to little money to afford health insurance for their families and themselves.  Many families earn too much money for their kids to get grants for higher education.  As America's firure President , I hope me and The "working Congress and Senate will make things better.  As America's President I really can't hire and fire members of the legislative branch that fail to perform but I can influence a lot of people to get their "Elected Representatives, actually working for the poor majority of their constituents." 
So it is so true, I am working more hours than last year but I have less money left over.

Let us work to change this.  SL Childs.
Like my FB page;  Steven Childs for President 2016-2024

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Human Condition, " Fear and Trust.

Like my FB page:  Steven Childs for President 2016-2024.

 NATO nations: North Alliance Treaty Alliance has 28 member states. Among these member states are Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada. France, Germany, and the United States.

BRICS Nations:  Federated  republic of Brazil, the Russian federation, Republic of India, the Peoples Republic of China and South Africa which was adopted by the other 4 member states.

Visit  for other information.

The well funded terrorist group ISIL has been making the news recently, a lot.  Again the USA is being called into a global leadership role. At this same time more and more nations keep entering the game called "Nuclear Detente." 

 Am I being fascetious when I say this is our "God given right?"  Seriously that there is No Peace in the Middle East, must be by divine decree. This happened years ago when Abram was called out of Ur by a desert God. The Hebrews were given a divine land title.  They found themselves as slaves in Egypt.  After a few centuries the Hebrews went back 'home'.  Modern day Israel.

Today we all talk about  "World Peace."  NATO was formed in 1946 after WWII.  To defend against big and scary Russia.  Russians as a people are a lot like American's, We work, pay bills, and raise families.  It has always been our"Political and Religious Leaders", that caused the most civil unrest.  Here we go again, "Turn the Page."  

Frequently our leaders work to build "TRUST" with one another. Then often times "FEAR" comes back to ruin what would be a progressive and good policy to adopt.

Fear and trust are also opposite in polarity from one another. When we trust one another we are operating in a 'field' of love. As soon as 'fear" steps in then we usually succumb to its strange power.

This finds us operating from 'mistrust.'..There are balancing points and we live with these everyday. "Nuclear Detente" being a strange but true "balancing point."

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Carpenter for Hire

I have this ambition to be America's next President.  So I have this thumbtack link here.  I have been doing post under Look Good Naked, This is more about wheelchair accdssibility for your home as well as some 'GREEN' snippets.
<a href="">Concept E-3</a>

So I'll start with home recycling.  All of those food cans you open can be recycled.  Just wash out in your dishwater and rinse. Put themin a samller recyclables trash can.
This is an easy habit to form.  In some communities where landfill sites are scarce, mandatory recycling is the new thing.
Catch you later.
By the way I willinthe future be looking for working-poor citizens who want to buy their own home. Even if you make about $10.00 P/H.  Initially I'll be setting up an LLC needing 100 member investors, The price of admission $5.00 per share. 1 share make you a member of the LLC.  Then we go from there.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Star Wars (Neural IMplants)

I like technology.  The science of "Neural Implants".  I enjoyed watching "The Six Million Dollar Man."  I think Lee Majors liked bringing the character to life.  I watched Star Wars the epsisode where Anakin Skywalker is taken by the "Emperor".  Anakin becomes Darth Vader.  To run all of this hardware I am thinking you needmore than just your own brain matter. In walks deep neural implants.  Since our brains sends out signals in the Milivolts. This for hardware is pretty weak.  Our Nerve Tissue Brains are happy though to run our neuromuscular functions with milivolts and miliamps.  But what about those bionic prosthetics, they probably need a lot more power so I am thinking if current neural implants can map electrical power in our brains with nano wires theycan probably send out their own currents affecting our behaviours as well as using other devices to amplify our brains signals.  So I see two sides for the same technology.  The benevolent medical usage as well as the weaponized military applications.  Maybe that is why in the sci-fibook"The Last Days of Crypton", the author did make mention of a BRANIAC created by the "Techno-gods."  Thats pretty much sums up what could happen.   Fortunately today we still have "Ethical Scientist" working for humanity in the fields of neurotechnologies.  Where do the monies come from for this type of research will in the interim determine the usageof the developing technolgies.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Orphaned children crossing border.

The reading that1000's of children are crossing our borders has me asking why?  If things are that bad down in South America, then what is the root cause.  Do they practice planned parenthood orjust make babies often enough that 1000's are orphaned.  I have this belief that The Earth is the Lords, theriches thereon and the fulness thereof.  So yes we find the children homes.  In the future if they claim any people as their parents, then let the 'parents' immigrate as anyone else should.  This is not a quick trip to the promised land since the adults are not with thechildren.  My question again is WHY?

A part of me thinks we should go ahead and annex Mexico as a commonwealth.  Their political 'pirates' would not agree though. Since they want to keep their "political power."  I thought about an open border policy.  Americans can go South and Mexicans can come North.  This way some more businesses may be established in Mexico. Something else comes to mind.  If the earth does not charge farmers to grow crops, then why are not more people being fed freely.

Another thought is that thereis not enough gold on the planet to cover every nations debt.  Why not an "International Jubilee" where ALL DEBTS are forgiven of every country and every person and you keep your car.  All of them homes that where foreclosed on in the USA.  The principle had been payed many times over in the form of interest.  So why was there a 'housing bubble' in the first place

Honestly that is whaqt the billionaire boys club first btiched about when President Obama became the 44th President of the USA.  Their gripe was the $750BIL gthey were losing in interest on the houses they sold to Bob and Sue American after they sent their jobs over seas to increase shareholdedr value.  What angerd me the most is that the Billionaire BoysClub was calling Bob and Sue American "Stupid for losing their jobs of 20 years, the same jobs sent over seas.

Lets play math,  If in 1984 you peuchased a $30,000 home for18% interest,  when you paid it off in 30 years, you would have had spent $225,000.  See what I mean,the actual cost of the houses were paid off a long time ago.

Enough for today.

Sunday, July 6, 2014


The worst thing about "Obamacare" is that the  'Universal  Healthcare ReformAct was created by a committee.  There is not enough time in the daily life of our President to write a 10,000 page anything, actually I doubt a committee could do this.  The real crime here is that we  about 1000 US Congressmen and 100 US Senators with an annual payroll pushing $2,000,000,000,  all they did was moan, groan, and gripe. What Senate and Congress should have done Is Their Job.
   As a group our supposed representatives should have toward the thing apart and made a better act.  Their crying about this just shows how lazy and self serving "our public representatives are as "a whole."   Seriously if our representatives did the job we are paying them to do then the "Universal Healthcare Reform Act" would have been rewritten without allowing the insurance, medical, and pharmaceutical companies to continue practicing "Price Gouging."  Rephrased;We Americans using the Emergency room at our nearest hospital ought to not be subject to emergency room usage fees of $1500 as well as extra money paid to the doctors on duty.  A couple of Aspirin should not cost $65.  And the ambulance ride of a mile ought not cost $1500 or more.  Seriously ambulance drivers, and paramedics get maybe  $15 per hour in a good economy.  Really any health care act should service the populace, not the price gouging special interest groups.  Such as the Aforementioned medical, pharmaceutical, and insurance companies.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Steven Childs for US President.

Like my facebook page Steven Childs for President 2016-2020.
Looking a t world events, The Israeli peace treaty talks have been suspended, China's President is revamping China's military and the Soviet President is reconsolidating the Soviet Free States.

 Where does this leave America?  Christopher Columbus's voyage to find another trade route for Spain was funded by monies taken from Jews living in Spain.   Based on Mr. Hagees book "The Four Blood Moons."  Since this led to America's discovery we are in effect the "New Isrel."
 Irael is our allie as well as Japan.  America needs them as our allies too!  Remember when oil traded at $165 a bsrrel this resultant transfer of wealth made American money become the stuff you put on the bottom of the birds cage.  Then guess what, China helped rebolster the valueof the American Dollar.

     To me this whole global finacnial melt down we are slowly recovering from is reminiscent of the 3rd horseman of the Apocalypse as recorded in Revelations.  Economically we might be friends of Russia and China but that is it. They ARE NOT OUR MILITARY ALLIES.  This does not make them Evil, no this makes them Human.  If there is to be a 3rd World War these countries would probably be involved as well as ALL the Nations of Islam (i.e.) 4th Horseman of the Apocalypse.

If this were to happen then then disarming the American Republic's Citizenry would be a bad thing to do!  If there is a Third World War then trust me the fight would come to our lands.  I would have every state have a volunteer Militia Force to help withAmerica's defense since our 2,000,000 strong military would not be enough to defend our shores.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Whispers in the night.


     I am both running for the office of US President 2016-2020 and very much in tune with end time prophecies and warnings.  Many of the things our gvernments do to "Protect us from ourselves as well as others", can be used for darker ends.  Such as using a one world cloud based monetary system requiring such things as the above RFID chip to work.  Like The Patriot Act and Homeland Security Act I am against such activities like these that bother my illusions of freedom.  No one should have the power to tap your phonelines, cell phones, and computers on the "suspicion:" that you may be a terrorist or in My case a citizen of The Republic of the USA. (Some kind of profiling done earlier this year by Homeland Security: it turns out the folks on top of the list a potential terrorist are "Christian Fundamentalist, Americanist, as well as Muslims.")  I wonder why the first two are there.  It is be cause we see things happening faster than ever before.  I want to be YOUR PRESIDENT because of the events unfolding on a global scale.
     I love America and many of the ideas our founding fatrhers espoused, such not having to pay taxes to both, The USA as well as THE CHURCH OF THE USA.  (Think king of England and Church of England.  Both received taxes.)  This really is all there is to seperation of church and state. Seriously if your a preacher or other christian fundamentalist, what things would be different today if you took part in the voting process.  For bills, amedments, and other 'acts' of politics. If you became involved maybe things would be better on a global scale.  The past is gone and the futue is not here.  All we have to work with is a string of ever constant 'nows'. Just moments in a greater place called eternity.  There I am sounding like some kind of mystic or holy man.
Anyways welcome to NOW.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

"Not Politics as Usual."

I have decided since Texas General land Commissioner did not work out my focus is now to start
campaigning for US President.

The election is not until 2016 but now is the time to start fundraising and working hard to make a difference.

I titled this "Not politics as usual." and I really mean this.  Like yourself I love this country.
The USA was never meant to be a democracy run by a bunch of 'selfish' people.  Our country the USA is meant to be a Republic ran with your help by a lot of 'selfless'people.
I am going to say a few things.  

I am Pro-choice.  By this I mean that rather than our babies making baby's we as parent should have the right to influence our children's behaviors without "Child Protective Service" beating on our doors every-time we spank our children or take away there toys.  A beating means broken bones and bloody bodies, not parental correction.

As Americans we should be able to smoke cigarettes in saloons and beer bars without being told we can't.  I understand not smoking in a restaurant.  People go to bars to drink, smoke, and shoot pool.  To me gun control means breathe, relax, aim, shoot.  Use wisdom if you have kids put the guns under lock and key.  I am tired of reading news stories where kids are shooting kids in schools.
Put the paddle back in the school principles office, the school teachers classroom, and back home.  You do not want anyone whipping your kids, then teach them to act right.
America was founded on guiding principles and the Christian Bible, put The Holy Bible and prayer back in the school house, put the Ten Commandments back in the courthouse. put nativity scenes featuring Jesus, Mary, and Joseph back on the city hall lawn.  
The ACLU does a lot of good things all of this nonsense about "separation of Church and State is that.  What our founding Fathers said is that we should not have to pay taxes to the church of the USA.  We don't, we never did.  ACLU can find a more responsible way to make money.
Social Security is needed and should be funded, always.
A big part of America's debt is the money the Federal Reserve Prints.
I am pro-business, America needs jobs.  I am pro-environment we have to clean up our surface lands and waters, to give our children a better chance for survival.
I have a lot more to say and will later.  Your comments and concerns are welcome here.