Monday, April 6, 2015

Angels,Demons, God, Man

Angels of their nature are messengers of the Godhead.  Fallen Angels are really Angelic beings that chose to live amongst men.  Not "Demons."   Demons however are the malevolent spirit or ether bodies of deceased humans.  Human souls having been unbound by their deaths, yet too much anger to leave.

These angry Spirits are those that lose their humanity and instead of approaching divinity they are of a more negative energy.  These energies are intelligent though and are able to produce poltergeist effects.  We who for whatever reason are contacted by angels and malevolent entities alike. This leads me to postulate the indescribable 'GOD'. Whose love like gravity is the great attractor. Remember with God in the throne room there had been a "dark Angel" called Satan El.  meaning that God the creator has a ShaitanEl as a detroyer.  This is a duty not just a name.  In the Holy Bible many time the statement "Satan and The Devil" is made with no corespondance with Lucifer the Morning Star.  There is however a phrase where God identifies himself as The Bright Morning Star.  And Yeshua, Immanyuel, God in Man is identified as Daystar.  There is a lot of significance here.

Homeless Initiative (Transitional housing model)

With Concept E-3 now organized as a social welfare organization, one of our stated purposes is the low income housing development. is supposed to search able now.  On Page 4 an application for housing will be provided. Here I am looking for some hard working Americans earning less than $50,000 per year.  What I am looking to do is to make affordable housing available to lower income worker.  Pretty much all thefolke in the retail, service, restuarant industries.  So that if you have kids, you can spend more time with them.


Let's play science Mr. President

Yes I am a Libertarian Party Member campaing for the officeof America's 45th President.  I am also kind of a science geek.  Don't worry As America'snext President, I have lots of people telling me what to do.  When things are going good US Senate and US Congress pat themselves on the back. If something goes wrong, "It's the President's fault."
I got that already.  Lets move on from here.  High Temperature Superconducters and Interstellar space travel.   I do believe to keep America Strong and to pay down the "National Debt." We have to catch up ifnot surpass ourneighboringcountries with out technological expertise.  Let's start with a transcontinental Mag-Lev train as well as some North and South tracks.  This isnot about 'saving money', this is an economic stimulus precept with bite. I have done some preliminary work and realized at about 2 Trillion Dollars in cost, we need a lot of partners,  I am not letting you "Steal myThunder" here.  How this is paid for is for when I get into office.

Let's play science, "Interstellar Space Drive."

The search for an interstellar drive continues.  I was looking in a notebook the other day and came upon this interesting concept.  

Here a silvery whit sphere made of a fiber optic material would roll around on a track inside of a vacuumn enclosed "box".  What the sphere rolled around was a tower diode.  As the sphere spun around the 'diode' a current was created and the central diode would take this and diresct the current to  a strip of steel.  The current would create a small magnetic pull enabling you to put other boxes next to one another and allowing the accumulated charges to increase.  Basically each 'square ormodule" is a small EMF generator.  Like cells on a battery the more you put together or the larger you made your "motors", the more powerful the system became. All of this excess EMF could be bled off to a central drive unit.  This is themagic of space. The vacuumn of space allows things to stay in a stationary orbit with just a little help.  To move would be like pushing or preferably 'pulling' you interstellar craft with just a little a little help.  This is also the question to be answered how to move something without a rocket like thrust?  Seeing how all of the diodes workin unison todirect EMF flow here is where the imagineering takes a plunge.