So where do we go from here. Members of Islam keep killing innocents by the droves. The world tells America to do something then bitches when we do. How about Sovereign contraction. Instead of America "Putting herself out there", maybe we should focus just on our shores and 250 nautical miles out from our shorelines. Then we can get our house in order. Make sure all of our surface waters are clean, that many more people produce food on small family farms, and that we have our cars and trucks converted to use natural gas as a transportation fuel too. Did I forget to mention, remember that, "This Republic was Founded on the "Understanding" that there is a Sovereign "GOD" , that rules in the affairs of..all..mankind??
We threw God out of our schools, our places of government, and out of our courts. Then we say, "WE", will rebuild America. Let me ask this how is it that a nation of what 250,000,000 souls at the time enjoyed 95% of all of the luxury goods produced in our world? Were we or are we (USA), blessed? By some "Divine".. Providence.
If not did America become the economic and military super power of our own accord. If so what happened. Where is the nuclear family of the industrial era. Where one parent, useually dad earned the income, Mom took care of the household affairs. We all got to sit down to dinner together, and talk. Talk about our days, cry about our problems, brag about our victories. We used to freely get and give hugs and kisses from our family. Why is now 1% of all Americans control a huge 45% of American wealth. The middle class nuclear family is gone. Some folks still make big bucks $100,000 per year which buy the sameas $10,000 per year bought in the 70's.
...You don't believe me. In 1972 you could go to McDonalds get ahamburger, fries, and a coke for $1.00 and still get change back. Fill your truck up $6.00 and buy a shopping cartload of groceries ( the standard ones), for $20. Oh yeah one of our parents took care of preparing the meals and taking care of the children and we said things like "Please?", "May I?", Yes Ma'am, Yes Sir. Get the picture. In the 50's, 60's, 70', and for some of the 80's public schools were not war zones, they were safe places for our children to go and learn.
....Today,we have lost this. For what ? The why is simple, we stopped honoring the"Unknown God on Mars Hill in Grecia." As noticed bythe Apostle Paul, or was it Peter? Look it up in that family Bible. It is okay to pick it up, blow off the dust and open it (That Bible). If you chose to read it... It just mightchange your life.