As an environmentalist I tend to pay attention to a lot of things. This is about algae blooms and fish kills.
Here I am going to offer some troubleshooting help.
I am thinking of Rio De Janeiro Brazil as well as smaller fish kills such as the couple in 2012.
Any large body of water that has a marine ecology is subject to these things. What happens is a lot of debris ends up in these bodies of surface water. Anything in water that tends to break down does so by having various microbes, protozoans, zoo plankton, etc. that break down matter become active. Oxygen is required to break down most matters, There is a lot of anaerobic digestion going on in things like human sewage treatment plants and even pig levy's. In lakes, rivers, oceans aerobic digestion occurs first. The problem is that the largest supply is dissolved oxygen already present in water. The same oxygen used by marine life. When a lot of matter starts to break down it creates HUGE OXYGEN DEMAND. This frequently ends up in fish kills.
In a marine environment too a lot of partially digested material sinks. (carbon sink) and when a storm pops up all of this material is stirred up. Now nature again has to work on digesting all of this matter. Some is plant based, animal based, and litter man has carelessly discarded giving no thought about the effects. MILLIONS OF INDIVIDUALS EVERYDAY.
Prevention is always the best policy. The biggest thing man can do is put screens on all of the storm water inlets that drain to open bodies of water. If these screens are cleaned frequently then they work very well keeping stuff like tree limbs out of the waters. Also mesh type cages can be place at storm water outlets that drain into surface waters and catch a lot of stuff that made it through the wider openings on the inlets. Thes capture things such as plastic bottles and other such debris and again they have to be serviced to work well.
Municipalities that are on coastal area and that have harbors can help oxygenate their community waters by installing high shooting fountains, Shooting streams of water at least 20-30 feet give this water a chance to capture more oxygen which is the engine that drives much
Here I am going to offer some troubleshooting help.
I am thinking of Rio De Janeiro Brazil as well as smaller fish kills such as the couple in 2012.
Any large body of water that has a marine ecology is subject to these things. What happens is a lot of debris ends up in these bodies of surface water. Anything in water that tends to break down does so by having various microbes, protozoans, zoo plankton, etc. that break down matter become active. Oxygen is required to break down most matters, There is a lot of anaerobic digestion going on in things like human sewage treatment plants and even pig levy's. In lakes, rivers, oceans aerobic digestion occurs first. The problem is that the largest supply is dissolved oxygen already present in water. The same oxygen used by marine life. When a lot of matter starts to break down it creates HUGE OXYGEN DEMAND. This frequently ends up in fish kills.
In a marine environment too a lot of partially digested material sinks. (carbon sink) and when a storm pops up all of this material is stirred up. Now nature again has to work on digesting all of this matter. Some is plant based, animal based, and litter man has carelessly discarded giving no thought about the effects. MILLIONS OF INDIVIDUALS EVERYDAY.
Prevention is always the best policy. The biggest thing man can do is put screens on all of the storm water inlets that drain to open bodies of water. If these screens are cleaned frequently then they work very well keeping stuff like tree limbs out of the waters. Also mesh type cages can be place at storm water outlets that drain into surface waters and catch a lot of stuff that made it through the wider openings on the inlets. Thes capture things such as plastic bottles and other such debris and again they have to be serviced to work well.
Municipalities that are on coastal area and that have harbors can help oxygenate their community waters by installing high shooting fountains, Shooting streams of water at least 20-30 feet give this water a chance to capture more oxygen which is the engine that drives much