Monday, April 8, 2013

Let's play science

...Now where did I put that warp drive engine.   ooops I think I lost my energy source. 
"Hey Jessie didn't someone say there is free energy everywhere."  "Oh so I don't need a big fuel tank just a collector and transmitter.  That might work.  Okay Charles here we have this leading edge on our spacecraft fuselage.  As we use this set up  Trailing edge  fuselage   leading edge.  It is not really hard.  The front of our ship is a negative charge and the back is a positive charge.  We are in space and like our trailing end is attracted to our leading end and pushes us along like an ion drive initially.   As our speed increase we start to collect more energy.  Okay.  Charles how do we make this happen."
" I think Jesse the most important element is the materials that make up the hull of our ship.  Drives are important.  If all of space is a vacumn, What are we?"
"Think of our ship as a huge cathode ray tube and a diode to. As we send rotational energy toward the front of our ship it sort of pushes us along.  As our speed increase then our polarity undergoes a shift since now we are collecting energy in front of us and using it to push us relatively faster  yes like surfing.''

"Okay so Charles what we are doing now is creating a greater 'potential' either pulling us or pushing us or maybe EAGLE LAB gets their warp potential.  The energy potential is free.  As our realative speed increase then the potentials become more exaggerated.  This is when we start to really move."

"So Jesse let me get this straight.  Initially our ship has some energy available.  The hull is made of materials thatr react o the ever present radiations in space.  We start to collect 'potential' between our relative leading and trailing edges.  As this happens we start to skip through space.  As our relative speed starts to increase we have a greater desparity of potential.  Then using this 'energy' we can now start to pull together our 'warp bubble'.  Here is where our enrgy field comes into play". 

This is what your saying, right?"

Yep.  Now lets move on to the engineering.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Project Philadelphia

First there is the ongoing "Baltimore Project".  Now I bring to you love (drum roll please) in the form of  "Cash forTrash"  Philly style.  I have spoken with many people in Baltimore and most recently here in PHiladelphia.  The Cash for Trash social economic imperative is a good model for a national roll out.  What I am out to do is get some legalities finalized then I can start actively engaging the greater PHiladelphia community.  I want you to work with me and Concept E-3 (R) to take back our streets.  I know there are some other groups doing a lot in and around PHiladelphia, Pennsylvania but what can I say.  When it come to environmental clean-up and RESTORATION, I have a real passion.

I came to Philadelphia in January 2013 to see how the city looks.  That is when I thought Philadelphia a city of contrast.

If our founding Fathers and there influential wives and lady friends where to see the trash all over PHiladelphia, they would appalled.  I know I am.  I have a lot of faith in PHiladelphia "the Grand Dame" of the American Republic and the people who call her home now. 

Here is the plan (You can make suggestions, I need your input to do this right).

First have a 1st Amendment gathering in Love park or another close to the city center.
Make this like an Earth Day event except the focus is Philadelphia and her non-profits working to make a positive impact in this community.  Such as PHiladelphia trees. 

Once "Cash for Trash" is legalized and initialized I'll set up the management and work teams to see this thru.  While Cash for Trash is dealing with the Streets of Philadelphia Concept E-3 will go to work on the Delaware and Schulykill Rivers.  This is a strength of mine.  Improving water quality. 
I know a lot of money has been spent, but I do not know where.  When I tackle something like a river or lake a lot is involved.  First of course is clean up of floating litter.  Then I address issues such as contamination and non source point pollution.  As a matter of course My name Steven L. Childs will soon be all over the place.  I am not satisfied with water quality here.  I can't take the credit but I can sure use the "Oyster spawning program" being used in the Chesepeake Bay Region. 

Your getting the gist.  I do not just throw money at a problem.  I work with Nature as well as Mankind to solve problems.  The goal for Concept E-3 is a global presence by 2020 or sooner if I can get the sponsors for Concept E-3'sw national tour 2015.  This leads to the International tour for 2017.

More about this later.  (originated in 2002).

More of Jami's family time suggestions

visit for more and some  info for your pets.

6) Journal,journal,journal.  This is a healthy way to deal with everyday issues.  Some of your entries can be shared with family members too.  Jami suggest a 2 minute limit per entry. Some ime we write down some of the silliest stuff.  Sometimes joy results because you heare about the love that another has for you.

7) Take a hike!  Everybody can have fun getting out.  With the nice weather on the way this is great family time together.

8) Picture this!  I can't think of anything as fun and simple as sharing photos.  Espoecially with your childrens boyfriends and girlfriends.  I can see the embarrased looks now.  With cell phone enven siblings and parents can be captured via digital imagery!

9) Here I am going to help Jami out a little.  Jami is the editor of Philly Fit magazine.  Here is a plug for check for information pertaining to PhillyFIT Bash!  Let Jamie know you herad about this right here.

10) Now this is a plug for yours truly.  "Cash for Trash"
launch coming soon here in Philadelphia.