Thursday, March 18, 2021


 You found your way here,  My Name is Steven.  Today is a good day.. because:

If you want to make some extra money. pay off some debt, and feel better financially:

I am an independent Primerica Representative.

Tired of just getting by? Bored with your job? Afraid of cutbacks? It is time to dream again!

For more information, call me at 720-603-5611  My name is Steven Childs

So lets get together, have some fun.  Make some  money and win new friends.

Friday, December 25, 2020

A Pathway to Home Ownership

A pathway to home owner ship, starts with registering with



WHETHER YOU WANT TO BUY A HOME OR RENT AN APARTMENT, It takes a full time job 'just to pay the rent.  Forget about raising your children or eating, aint happening unless you have a 2nd job too.  

You have step one.  Take it first.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

2ND Chance Accessibility

Who saw this coming and when.  I do not know and am not concerned about history, this is about the new reality that we living.  What can I do?  I can build you your first Home Gym Module.  So you can still get some kind of cable or thera-band exercise program going.
Some upper body stuff, lower body stuff if you have the space.
I was unable to down load any free images but if you are space challenged, using resistance bands with a stabilizing frame is a good space saving system that I can build.  For you.  Building one for my wife and I soon.
Visit our Facebook Page, 2nd Chance Accessibility Plus.
Okay this is all for now.  The New Normal is what it is.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Ministry of deliverance and the office of a prophet

My gosh some people today believe their are no more prophets of God.  Of course they do believe that Satan is their god of choice.  This happens since this reality we live in, we also work in and everything feels real.  So scientifically frequencies are the things that make everything.  as a Prophet of Ha Shem you can see beyond the veil of our world.  There is a veil that separates life from death.  Their are veils that hide the multi-verse. 
some prophets saw int the future of now.  We read their accounts yet some things they wrote about are not understood the same way we do.

What about the ministry of deliverance.  Some people become substance abuse counselors.  Some people become dark magicians and sorcerers.  Not necessarily you wave your wand and boom, stuff happens.  Actually if you could reach into other dimensions and move stuff, then you have Harry Potter stuff.
What did Yeshua (Jesus) do when he fed the multitudes.  Actually took some matter and made a lot more.  This is since Jesus or Yeshua is the body that was used by the Creator God.  Sai Bobba too could do some things.  Much like the Magicians  In Pharoah Rameses court their magics were on a way smaller scale.

I would say yes prophets are here today too.  And they are revealed knowledge.  Sometimes they share.  Deliverance ministers, yes there is demonic in order;
possession .  Okay about demons, okay the Spirit of the Daemon is closer to us.  Some people like their daemons.  The ones that protect them. 
then there is the malevolent s that are responsible for poltergeist stuff where big things happen and people are hurt. .
What are demons... fallen angels.  About Fallen Angels,  three types come to mind.
First the Grigori, These are the celestial angels that watched man kind.  According to the book of Enoch, these are the first Sons of God referred to in Genesis.  That chose to become sort of Human and had children.  Nephilim.  were the result and the reason for the Global Flood.

Their are the angels that sided with the snake in revelations that became the dragon in Revelations.  These are the demons.  

Friday, December 6, 2019

presidential politics

Okay my last campaign stopped with ONLY $10 IN DONATIONS.
I would like to do this again but this time I need to get some serious lettuce
to pay for a campaign.  I did get a lot of promises but they were not delivered.
So sarting soon, aiming to win the USA Presidential Nomination for 2020 or 2024.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Detroit Repurposed

Detroit Repurposed.
Here is the draft.  Long g story short, possibly due to individual greed, bureaucratic bull shit and other stuff, Detroit Michigan went from blue collar royalty to less.  It took several years so Detroit had a good run.  Lotsa people made good money.
Now here is an opportunity.  100's of thousands of Americans are homeless 10's of millions make just enough money to get by.  Not enough to get ahead.
Enter Concept E-3 a future NGO. CONCEPT E-3 is about environmental clean up and restoration. A 501 (c) 4 for the 21st century .
Here is the idea. First off we need skilled working poor Americans in construction to get a work VISA and relocation assistance to Detroit.  These individuals are given a nice place to live as a part of their work incentive.  Every building in Detroit is rehabbed to support a green roof and we take this from here and rehab every building. Rain water is captured and repurposed for general watering with drip irrigation systems. 
To make this work, Detroit needs to be a self governed district.  Like Washington D.C. .
.   here we go.  With so much population growth urban city farming is happening every where.  There are also successful eco-villages globally.  Let's turn Detroit into a very larg eco-village. Roofs and walls can support plant growth becoming Huge carbon sink. So as a city/ eco- village carbon sink repurposed development.  Some success can be obtained .  Now lets repurpose metal refineries with an idea to become a major player in metals recycling.  What actual waste is thrown away can be disposed of with level 5 incineration and plastics can be repurposed to produce and capture syn gas.  Real smart people can see where this is heading.  1,000,000's of poor American's get an opportunity to build a better quality of life for their families.
Work hard, get economically awarded and show that future metro super cities can be designed to help the environment and have a lot of locked in sustainable practices to include locally grown produce.  Take this a step further and also make Detroit a smart city. Paint some wall murals and enjoy some graffiti as thw ' urban art it is.".